Survivor Empowerment Circles

Survivor Empowerment Circles provide a safe space for immigrant women who are survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault to share their stories, learn healthy lifestyles and network with other women.

Tools and skill sets PAIRWN encourages participants to grow:

  • Self-sufficiency
  • Emotional and Social Well-being
  • Increase Self-Esteem and Confidence
  • Healthy Relationship skills
  • Productive Ways to Achieve Personal Goals

All Survivor Empowerment Circles are free to the participants and ensure confidentiality. They will be facilitated by a certified life-coach. Survivor Empowerment Circles are an excellent opportunity for immigrant and refugee women to come together and choose to take control of their own healing journey.

Empowerment Circles for Asian and Middle Eastern women

PAIRWN invites Asian and Middle Eastern immigrant and refugee women who have experienced domestic and/or sexual violence to the Empowerment Circle program to further strengthen their personal and leadership skills. It will provide a safe and welcome space for women to share their stories and culture, network with one another, and learn about healthy lifestyles.

For more information

Please contact Saima Mumtaz at